How To Hire The Right Candidate

Many companies struggle to find the right candidate to fill a vacancy. Employee recruitment’s are one of the most stressful processes of running a business. Hire the wrong person, and it’s wasted resources, hire the right one, and everything falls in place. The key to hiring the right candidate lies with sticking to specific rules in the hiring process. Outlined below are some of the rules and tips on how to find the right candidate.  1. Look For A Candidate Committed To His/her Career  Always look for someone committed to building his/her career. One of the best ways to check a candidate’s commitment is by looking at their job frequency and


Getting Ready For A Job Interview

Are you looking forward to a job interview? You can make sure that you create a good impression on your first day by doing certain things before the interview and after. If you want to secure the post you are interested in, then it is necessary that you prepare in advance. Here are a few tips on how to conduct a background check on a company, how to research about a job post, how to tackle questions and answer during the interview, and lastly how to dress appropriately for an interview. 1 – Analyze The Job Description. The first thing that you need to do is analyze the job description.
